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 Citizens won’t back down in fight against incinerator
 Cover story: Preparing for the worst
 Editorial: Pope names free market failures
 Editorial: Y2K gateway to community
 European reformers set to approve draft church constitution
 Haas appointment brings high drama to tiny principality of Liechtenstein
 Inside NCR: Exile and the kingdom; art and the nuns
 Jeannette Batz Column: What would Jesus do with Harry’s need and wounded pride?
 Keeping Faith
 Korean paper stirs controversy
 Lead us, O Lord of all seasons
 Memphis refugee program under fire
 Pope blasts consumerism as human rights threat
 Robert F. DRINAN Column: The anguish of the ultimate sanction
 Sic Column: If the wheel had not been (a)round, stuff like this would never be written
 Television: Mahony’s liturgy pastoral as personal experience
 Tim Unsworth Column: Indulgences out of the attic for the new millennium
 Viewpoint: Counting bishops, Titanic passengers and other earthlings as 1998 ends
 Writer laments editorial on abortion doctor murder
 A dream dishonored after 30 years
 Activists defy Iraq embargo, reject fines
 Books: An inspiring vision, but devil is in the details
 Chilean cardinal: Church attempting to help free dictator
 DEMETRIA MARTINEZ Column: When a clean car makes you suspect
 Editorial: Religious right fosters politics of sleaze
 EDITORIAL: Remembering the Cologne Declaration
 Inside NCR: Sad postscript from Africa
 Jeannette Batz column: Christmas promises hope beyond the pain
 Military bishop criticizes bombing
 Obedience the Hickey way
 One ‘gringo invasion’ that Mexican workers welcome
 Pope receives ex-communist Italian leader
 Priest testifies to School of Americas ties to Pinochet
 Reviving the energy for action and justice
 ROSEMARY RADFORD RUETHER Column: For feminist theologians, good job is hard to find
 Starting Point: A woman of rare beauty shares words of rare grace
 Viewpoint: When a meal at McDonald’s isn’t so happy
 Will Mitch be another curse or disguised blessing?
 A peace and justice crossroads
 A tale of two schools
 Balasuriya: Restitution for colonial era is due
 Bonaventure House in Chicago illustrates new model of personal ministry
 Cities moving away from magnet schools concept
 Editorial: Educational inequality is a dangerous malady
 Editorial: In Phoenix, a compelling model of reconciliation
 Finding the feminine face of God
 George calls liberal Catholicism ‘parasitical’
 Group seeks ways to live in harmony with earth
 Her ministry is the Spirit in song welling up within her
 Inside NCR: Poetry outpouring prompts ground rules
 Jesuit sees hope cropping up for struggling Appalachia
 Jesuits and Dominicans square off anew over Savonarola
 New INS operation targets Nebraska meat industry
 No action on Krenn after meeting
 Rebels kidnap archbishop in Sierra Leone
 Robert F.DRINAN Column: The military-industrial complex just marches on
 Spirituality section
 Tara DIX Column: He did a monstrous thing, but Exzavious is not a monster
 Viewpoint: Fixing non-magnet schools should be first priority
 Viewpoint: We bishops must hear the people
 When you’re talking dialogue, it’s hard to top the Bard
 Canadian schools and stability in peril
 Catholic reformers launch investigation of church financial practices
 Editorial: To be Catholic in China: not quite as it seems
 In Europe, ‘church taxes’ not unusual
 Inside NCR: NCR’s rare glimpse of paradox that is China
 Joan CHITTISTER Column: See trial through to the bitter, judicial end
 National Catholic Reporter cover page
 Pressure from citizens’ groups kills trade treaty for now
 Revisiting the Cold War in CNN’s weekly series
 Sic Column: Sic, on a prophecy roll, predicts tallest pope ever
 Special China section
 Special Report: China: Abortions changing social makeup
 Special Report: China: Beijing has watchful eye on Internet growth
 Special Report: China: Chinese Catholics seek identity, role in turbulent times
 Special Report: China: Fast food, Western colas highlight China growth
 Starting Point: Young need heroes, old are heroes
 Viewpoint: Sanctity of life demands no compromise
 Young Americans rewriting the way America does politics
 Analysis: A vision for the Americas: familiar themes, new details
 Bookshelf: Spring Books
 By the Pond: Signs are, we’ve just begun polluting
 Cover story: A weakened pope with strong words
 Cover story: It’s pope as pop star in youth rally
 Editorial: World’s applause hides church flaws
 Inside NCR: On not going gaga over this pope
 Middle East needs conference on security
 Papal visit sparks memories
 Perspective: Olympic ideals trashed by abuses
 Spring books: ‘Outrageous Hags’and a new Atlantis
 Spring books: Black Catholic theology heals, liberates
 Spring books: Commentary: Waugh dramatized the emptiness of worldly things
 Spring books: Häring’s hope underestimates tough challenge of renewal
 Spring books: Judith and her story: popular, threatening, co-opted
 Spring books: McKenna is a seasoned practitioner of the telling tale
 Spring books: Pride and nostalgia from an amazing story
 Spring books: Social teaching is church secret
 Spring books: Why Waugh continues to be the loved one
 Starting Point: In another place, they ‘danced God into coming’
 Viewpoint: ‘Muscular Christians’ could use some ‘soul logic’
 Abortion debates rock Germany
 Appreciation: He sought the truest meaning of faith
 Catholic artists seek a place in popular music
 Cover story: The changing face of farming in America
 EDITORIAL: U.N. call: people over profits
 Healing old hurts through rhythm and dance
 Inside NCR: Why we’re of two minds about food
 Institute of Blace Catholic Studies
 Jeannette Batz column: Pondering St. Louis’s papal priorities
 Keeping Faith
 Kris Berggren column: Ventura aside, a good man or woman not hard to find
 Movement grows for removal of Greek Orthodox leader
 Muscles ache and hearts open
 Playing with the big boys
 Pop Music: In Christian music, will business bury faith?
 Power down in solidarity with all creation
 Spirituality books both meaningful and mundane
 Starting Point: A heart in hiding stirs for a bird
 Texas, belly of the death-penalty beast
 Unearthing black Catholic history
 A farm and a vision of a healthy earth
 At the Movies: An Iranian drama that could alter U.S. policy, two films with offbeat heroes
 Books: Theology that’s also history
 Clinton’s pastor sees struggle for nation’s soul
 College presidents drop defiance, try compromise on norms
 Cover story: Mitch as metaphor
 Czechs dispute church property
 Editorial: Watch out for George’s broadsides
 Health care groups warn about IV bags
 Hopeful peddler on a dead-end road
 Innocents fingered by guerrillas now seek release from prison
 Inside NCR: Ads tell their own tales of religious life
 Notre Dame shuns Big Ten, fears losing ‘distinctiveness’
 Perspective: Too many riles exhaust the family
 Robert F. Drinan column: Clinton’s agenda fails to meet the moral demands of the time
 Sic: Is that our Kennnn in the popemobile?
 Speaking of vocations
 Special Section: Religious Life: A model of what can happen when tenants organize
 Special Section: Religious Life: Books: Theology that’s also history
 Special Section: Religious Life: Call to santification
 Special section: Religious Life: Millennial wisdom stirs in the desert
 Special Section: Religious Life: Sister reunite
 Special Section: Religious Life: The quality of mercy
 Tim Unsworth column: Lessons from France on taking care of the U.S. church
 Viewpoint: Tattoo made its mark on this mother
 ’Christian, remember your baptism’
 A Catholic moment at Union Theological
 Analysis: Rebuilding Central America takes rethinking 50 years of policy
 Books: Neuhaus’ story of synod limited and unreal
 Cover story: Diva Dever leads two lives
 Diekmann says hold fast to hope
 Editorial: Guns, tobacco bad for nation’s health
 Illuminations: Little church, prison ministry fill days
 In rare U.S. visit, Ratzinger urges scholars to ‘think with the church’
 Indiana senate sustains death penalty
 Inside NCR: There could be a lot more forgiving
 Jeannett Batz column: You don’t have to make babies to have a holy kind of sex
 Perspective: Leadership vacuum left behind by Bernardin
 Starting Point: Pearl Harbor is history, around us is living history
 The truth is universal, but other religions play a role
 Viewpoint: Barbie parties and blessings in jail
 Viewpoint: Work for justice calls for courage to change paths
 Women told to ‘get off our property’
 Analysis: In the end, the poor may decide
 Cover story: Blessed Sacrament Sisters in the news and among the poor
 Cover story: Holy Family mission: local schools, Africa and Belize
 Cover story: Kentucky or India, gospel thrust marks SCN outreach
 Cover story: Mexican nuns pray to stay in teaching’s ‘tough, hard work’
 Cover story: Nuns renew vows
 Editorial: Has U.S. given up on land mine ban?
 Editorial: The Vatican’s monumental blunder on Pinochet
 Inside NCR: Four congregations are featured, but all are celebrated
 Keeping Faith
 Law firm forces Mary Daly’s hand
 Priests, parishioners excommunicated
 Rosemary Radford Ruether column: Don’t waste Cairo’s gains on population issues
 Salary inequites boost poverty, study shows
 Sanctions amount to genocide, activists say
 Starting Point: Walking the Way in prayer marks the path of our only real life
 Viewpoint: Who are the traditional Catholics?
 A ‘hopeful, humanizing’ day in prison
 At the movies: A cosmopolitan trio of films from Iran, France and West Virginia
 Bishops get suggestions from Ratzinger session
 Books: Natives and nature riot, visiting destruction on L.A. paradise
 Cover story: Excerpts: summary of report on Guatemala’s civil war
 Cover story: Guatemala: Truth commission reporter details years of military abuses
 Cover story: U.S. presence began with CIA overthrow of Arbenz
 Editorial: Bad INS law creates cruel, unusual mess
 Editorial: Guatemala report: meaning for U.S.
 INS policy on ‘aggravated felony’ unclear, bishop says
 Inside NCR: Few chose to look at Guatemala’s horror
 Sic: Mandatory miracles from Elvis and Israel
 Starting Point: On taking wedding vows in a church of falling rain
 The body of Christ torn asunder on ‘gray day’ in Rochester
 Tim Unsworth column: Papists abound, but who’s keeping lists?
 Viewpoint: Moving back to see things in a truer light
 Viewpoint: Palestinians pushed out of Jerusalem
 Analysis: Does Africa’s agony tell us anything about ourselves?
 Appreciation: Dubus was the dean of Catholic arts culture
 Books: A complex novel about faith, family and dysfunction
 By the pond: Drowning in tragedy, let us pray for water
 Clinton regrets U.S. role in Guatemala violence
 Cover story: Still telling stories of sin, sex and redemption
 Delegation urges Peru to release U.S. citizen
 Editorial: Silent good people give evil a break
 Inside NCR: Behrens: holding conversation with the world
 Jeannette Batz column: Yoga silences the ‘chattering monkey’ of competition
 Man awarded $1.2 million in sex abuse case
 Monitoring team oversees food aid to ravaged North Korea
 Perspective: America should listen to stirrings abroad
 Pop Music: Jewel’s second is nearly perfect ... maybe too perfect
 Starting Point: No culture has a monopoly on humanity at its best
 Viewpoint: If you want to teach justice, stress the vocation of daily life
 As sure as shamrocks, gays and lesbians banned from St. Patrick’s parade
 Books: Chasing the wrong kind of green
 Catholic Education
 Despite low profile, Catholics played key roles
 Dilemmas arise from rental ruling
 Disaster aid likely to benefit Nicaragua’s wealthy
 Editorial: Vouchers no panacea for Catholic schools
 Former Corpus Christi leaders reject schism
 Goal for 2000: unchaining slaves of national debt
 In Teen Gothic genre, the kids aren’t all right
 Inside NCR: Jubilee 2000 could make millennium magic
 Milwaukee’s experiment
 Perspective: No way to right death penalty wrong
 Remembering restraint where words still have power
 Studying the Holocaust
 Studying the Holocaust
 Teachers in high demand
 Viewpoint: Notre Dame blew it on discrimination policy
 Voucher godmother skeptical of allies
 Zuni murals connect two cultures