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June 15, 2001 Cover story:

Left Behind
Catholic chances slim in latest pop culture rage about end times
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Summer Listings II
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To the right are some of the stories in this week's issue. For general information about the NCR newsweekly, click on "About NCR" or see our frequently asked questions page, FAQ.

If this week's stories fail to convince you to subscribe, please come again next week; we know the paper speaks for itself. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at Also, letters to the editor should be directed to

Don't miss these great stories from the past:

Interfaith Monologue

American Catholics

Passing it on

Crusading for Children



Up from slavery

The Priesthood: Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Good Priest

Hostile Takeover

Two Religious Banned from Ministry and Speaking


  Note: There will be no issue next week.

The links below will take you to this week’s stories:

linked button Cover story: Fearful faith in end times novels

linked button Cover story: The Catholic approach to Revelation

linked button Cover story: Separated as chaff from wheat

linked button Cover story: Piecing together Bible’s puzzles

linked button Inside NCR: Of awards, humility and updates

linked button Starting Point: A loving arm around me

linked button Down to the wire: the mandatum debate

linked button Who decides how faith should be taught?

linked button Black parish school shut out of league

linked button Gathering celebrates lay ministry in nation’s parishes

linked button Special Report: The energy wake-up call

linked button Special Report: Earth in the balance

linked button Vatican backpedals on reform while ‘good pope’is on display

linked button Books: Books for summer days

linked button At the Movies: Authenticity

linked button Robert F. Drinan column: U.S. must make reparations for actions in Vietnam

linked button Viewpoint: New fan of Dorothy Day neglects her values

linked button EDITORIAL: It’s time for a good national confession

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