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 Abused nuns: Reaction: Africans say continent is ‘easy prey’
 Abused nuns: Reaction: End silence, then take action
 Abused nuns: Reaction: Problems cry out for reform
 Abused nuns: Reaction: Readers respond to reports of abuse
 Books: An island in a flood of corruption
 Conservative prelate new head of Sydney archdiocese
 Cover story: Inspired by a saint
 Cover story: Poetry inspired by St. Katharine Drexel
 Easter: Easter calls us to resurrection -- our own
 EDITORIAL: Bush crew shifts the balance
 EDITORIAL: Worried about kids at school? Good. Turn in your guns
 Ex-nun tells of rape by African priest
 Inside NCR
 NCR cover page
 No news from Rome on Fessio’s appeal
 Starting Point: A struggle on the way to wonder
 Viewpoint: McVeigh set to die, but we don’t need his death
 ’98 document proposed ways to halt abuse of nuns by priests
 Books: Brave women in dark times
 Cover story: Chivalry inspired a courtier saint
 Cover story: Following in the footsteps of Ignatius
 Cover story: Videos extend the Ignatian family
 EDITORIAL: Cheap labor’s hidden costs are injustice and harm
 EDITORIAL: Unity depends on mutual efforts
 Holy Saturday message: Adopt a bishop
 Inside NCR
 Inter-church politics will decide famous icon’s fate
 Kris Berggren column: Acquiring a taste for desert heat and visions
 NCR cover page
 Orthodox Christians wary of papal visits
 Robert F. Drinan column: Supreme Court considers public school use
 Starting Point: Shining for each other, like the mystery of blue
 Viewpoint: Leader like Robinson hard to find
 Viewpoint: Spring breaks can lead to breakthroughs
 Catholic hospital organization signs accord with union
 Cover story: Exploring the biology of religious experience
 Cover story: Is God out there beyond the neurons?
 Cover story: The roots of liturgy
 Developing nations need peace and legal savvy, too
 EDITORIAL: We can repair the sanctuary
 Educator starts a place where children can give peace a chance
 Inside NCR
 Moments in Time: Dancin’ the council away
 NCR cover page
 New York revamps seminaries
 Perspective: Paper or plastic for those dire predictions?
 Starting Point: Goodness afoot but not hyped
 Television: Quality-challenged TV
 Tim Unsworth column: Rules against remarriage driving souls away
 Trial heightens tensions
 Viewpoint: A continent stressed to the breaking point
 Viewpoint: Loyalty within the clerical club matters most to Holy Office
 Books: Spirit of equality often permeates sacred texts
 Books: Two gentle, friendly, basic books
 Cover story: American author knew power of tattoos
 Cover story: Disappearing tattoos
 Cover story: Tattoos an ancient art
 EDITORIAL: Economics as if people matter
 EDITORIAL: Voices raised here can help East Timor rebuild
 Inside NCR
 Jeannette Batz column: Impatient at God’s skill at matching
 Mourning death of migrants
 NCR cover page
 Pope woos the East
 Rome sends mixed signals on Jesuit contributions
 Rosemary Radford Ruether column: Mandatum threatens covenant of respect
 Starting Point: Seeing with resurrection eyes
 Viewpoint: Palestinian right of return basic to peace
 Warring over military on campus
 A peacemaker’s birthday bash
 Books: Two cultures seen in shifting mirror
 Chittister cheered despite boycott
 Cover story: Indian Catholics’ task is rediscovering Jesus’ Asian face
 Cover story: Intolerance in India
 Cover story: Most bishops are of higher castes; most Catholics are not
 Cover story: Voices from Catholic India
 EDITORIAL: Solidarity with poor is key to vision
 Essay: A parable for today, if not tomorrow
 Full text of the statement of major superiors in Nigeria
 Haight silencing feeds theologians’ fears
 Inside NCR
 NCR cover page
 Perspective: Bush’s Catholic-courting will backfire in hard times
 Robert F. Drinan column: Jesuits in an ancient land
 Salvadoran generals go to trial again
 School voucher advocates want ‘right to choose’
 South African bishops denounce abuse
 Starting Point: In the rain, grasped and held
 Storm of protest greets trade accord
 Viewpoint: Invitation demeans Notre Dame
 Viewpoint: Remembering the way out of the shadows
 At the Movies: In art’s service
 Cardinal Kasper balances values with reality
 Cover story: Summer Books: Secret no more
 Dispute in Atlanta over black Catholic schools
 EDITORIAL: We are not excused from trying
 Forensic expert under criminal investigation
 Inside NCR
 Mourning bells to chime for pope’s visit
 NCR cover page
 Old critiques surface in wake of school murder
 Perspective: Ask not what Joan can do for you
 Rome conference studies the media
 Starting Point: Precious days in the pasture
 Summer Books
 Summer Books: Author analyzes church’s wound of divided spirit, flesh
 Summer Books: Book lacks longer, tragic historical view
 Summer Books: Daughter: Dark snapshot not the whole picture
 Summer Books: Dreaming dreams in the Irish Bronx
 Summer Books: Funny, witty and fearless: I want to be a dame
 Summer Books: Meditations inspire but don’t stretch
 Summer Books: Mother: The cross of being seen as gods
 Summer Books: Ordained a priest in a catacombs church
 Summer Books: Reagan’s legacy and the claims of the true believers
 Summer Books: Struggle to find peace after killing
 Summer Books: Survey of current scholarship with diversity on the agenda
 Summer Books: To keep young adults, church can’t be ‘lazy monopoly
 Summer Books: Without forgiveness, evil wins
 Summer Books: Woman says first Mass in secret
 Turmoil follows school firings
 Vatican topics soft on reform
 Viewpoint: Kerrey regrets war’s unruliness but not war itself
 A kiss is still a kiss
 Cover story: He’s comin’ through
 Divisions over Christianity’s main event
 EDITORIAL: Silencing: old tactic that doesn’t work
 EDITORIAL: Understandable cold shoulder at U.N.
 Gramick: silencing inappropriate
 Honoring the Baptist
 In Paul’s footsteps, pope shows will for unity
 Inside NCR
 NCR cover page
 Rich Heffern column: Tales of the sassafras trees
 Sometimes showing up is enough
 Starting Point: God’s blessing is our pleasure
 Testimony implicates military in bishop’s murder
 Viewpoint: McVeigh will meet unimaginable mercy
 Viewpoint: Paychecks with a justice payoff
 Viewpoint: We believe in death penalty but shrink from watching
 Books: Slavery is alive and well around the globe
 Books: The hidden industry of ‘hired help’
 Cover story: Contacts and sources
 Cover story: Global slave trade prospers
 Cover story: Who is a slave?
 East Timor struggles with freedom
 EDITORIAL: Bureaucrats upend liturgical renewal
 EDITORIAL: Now theologians, alone face the mandatum
 Inside NCR
 Kris Berggren column: The joy of apprenticeship
 Lucker’s final certainty: God is here
 NCR cover page
 New document replaces 35 years of liturgy work
 Rome finds sexual ethics errors in work of Spanish moralist
 Rosemary Radford Ruether column: Good marital sexuality mirrors the love of God
 Starting Point: What is that bread?
 Viewpoint: Midnight hour for Alaska’s coastal plain
 Appreciation: Msgr. Jack Egan: activist, reformer, a ‘city’s conscience’
 Bishops revise Catholic health care directives
 Books: Guide at the intersection of capital and chaos
 Cardinals debate church’s future
 Cover story: Artists use ancient crafts, modern technology
 Cover story: Jackson loves the feel of pen on page
 Cover story: Word by word
 EDITORIAL: Building a movement for all children
 EDITORIAL: Nuclear power industry -- dangerous to taxpayers
 Inside NCR
 Jeannette Batz column: Methodical man, impatient woman mix it up in a garden
 Last Testament: ‘Use the gifts God gives’
 Liturgy document invoked as example
 Movies: On picket lines
 NCR cover page
 Rome conference offers ‘new’ feminism
 SOA trespassers get six-month terms
 Starting Point: Obstacle ahead? Step on the gas!
 Viewpoint: Old family voices echo in pleas of the stranger
 At the Movies: Authenticity
 Black parish school shut out of league
 Books: Books for summer days
 Cover story: Fearful faith in end times novels
 Cover story: Piecing together Bibles’s puzzles
 Cover story: Separated as chaff from wheat
 Cover story: The Catholic approach to Revelation
 Down to the wire: the mandatum debate
 EDITORIAL: It’s time for a good national confession
 Gathering celebrates lay ministry in nation’s parishes
 Inside NCR: Of awards, humility and updates
 NCR cover page
 Robert F. Drinan column: U.S. must make reparations for actions in Vietnam
 Special Report: Earth in the balance
 Special Report: The energy wake-up call
 Starting Point: A loving arm around me
 Vatican backpedals on reform while ‘good pope’ is on display
 Viewpoint: New fan of Dorothy Day neglects her values
 Who decides how faith should be taught?
 Bishops briefed on Palestinian issues
 Bishops’ conference approves directives
 Charting faith’s geography in rough-and-tumble history
 Confusion in Ukraine to greet papal visit
 Cover story: Getting out of abusive relationships
 Cover story: Immigrants frustrated by laws that take kids from home
 Cover story: Violence at home
 EDITORIAL: Global warming statement a lesson in prudence
 Experience in Rome marks new bishops
 Guatemalan officers found guilty of murder
 Inside NCR
 Institute defenders reach pope
 Jeannette Batz column: Linking flesh and spirit glorifies both
 NCR cover page
 Perspective: U.S. theology meeting signals broader vision
 Starting Point: Mr. Cato’s kamikaze kindness
 Television: Sopranos
 Theater: Guare the Obscure
 Viewpoint: Ecumenist calls Rome’s translation norms unrealistic, authoritarian
 Viewpoint: New sanctions proposal not much help to Iraqis