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October 5, 2001 Cover story:

Death penalty lawyers
The pay is poor, their clients are despised, but they wouldn’t be anywhere else

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The employees of The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company express their deepest sympathy to the families and friends of those harmed in the recent terrorist attacks. This is a sad time for our world. Please be assured of our prayers as we unite with you in your loss.

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The Word From Rome
By John L. Allen, Jr.
NCR's Vatican Correspondent

“The pressures of being a pope”
This feature is updated weekly.

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To the right are some of the stories in this week's issue. For general information about the NCR newsweekly, click on "About NCR" or see our frequently asked questions page, FAQ.

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Don't miss these great stories from the past:

Interfaith Monologue

American Catholics

Passing it on

Crusading for Children



Up from slavery

The Priesthood: Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Good Priest

Hostile Takeover

Two Religious Banned from Ministry and Speaking



The links below will take you to this week’s stories:

linked button Cover story: RARE BREED: Death penalty lawyers defend rights of politically invisible

linked button Cover story: Federal legislation impedes work of death penalty lawyers

linked button Cover story: Innocence Protection Act

linked button Inside NCR

linked button Starting Point: Called to do more than just show up

linked button Special Report: The ethics of war

linked button Special Report: At a glance

linked button Special Report: Seeking consolation for grieving hearts

linked button Special Report: Expert tracks radical Islamic movements

linked button Special Report: Attacks find no justification in Islam, Muslim leaders say

linked button Special Report: Speakers explore ‘gift of forgiveness’

linked button Mixed messages on force abound during papal trip

linked button Despite tensions, ecumenical conviviality takes precedence

linked button Reporter’s notebook

linked button Pope’s frailty apparent in visit to central Asia

linked button POETRY

linked button Books: Nouwen lives again in tribute volume

linked button Tim Unsworth column: A man who was ‘filled with God’

linked button Jeannette Batz column: Talking to myself: a way out of gray world inside my head

linked button Viewpoint: Transfer support to those trying to eliminate violence, hot or cold

linked button EDITORIAL: Nonviolence is a practical strategy

linked button Perspective: Afraid to imagine what could go right

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