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NCR Advertising
Fall & Winter Listings

Your listing can have 100 words for just $70 and $65 for a second ad. Ads that are over 100 words are charged $1.00 per word. The listings are divided into categories and then alphabetized by state. You may use the form provided here. Call the advertising department if you have questions: 1-800-444-8910. The issue date is Aug 27, 2004. The deadline for this section is July 9, 2004.

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National Catholic Reporter | 115 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111 | P.O. Box 419281, Kansas City, MO 64141
Voice 816-531-0538 | FAX 816-968-2268 | Advertising 1-800-444-8910 | Address web site comments to webkeeper.
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