National Catholic Reporter
The Independent News Source

Thank you for advertising in The National Catholic Reporter's special Summer Listings supplement.

Your ad will be processed within two business days and we'll e-mail your copy for proofing. Please e-mail our Classified Advertising Sales Representative, Velva Dewberry, with any questions or concerns. If you prefer to call Velva, the number is 816-531-0538.

If you have exceeded the 100-word limit we will advise you of the additional charge in the e-mail confirmation we send you. We are giving you the place and date lines free of charge; these will not be included in your 100 word limit.

Additional 100-word listings are only $70 each.

Display ads in Summer Listings are $65 per column inch. Lower rates apply for display ads in NCR's standard sizes. View our rate card for standard sizes and prices. Contact Vicki Breashears for information regarding display ads. You can call Vicki at 816-968-2218.

Have you investigated the potential of Web advertising? Our sales representatives can help you plan an effective Web campaign that will increase your revenue. E-mail Fr. Jack Lumanog, Terri Lynn or Rick Peer for more information.

Please be sure to visit and see our many new features that are attracting new viewers daily. And don't miss, where you will find columnists John L. Allen Jr., Sister Joan Chittister, Fr. John Dear and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. is also home to our podcasts and discussion tables.

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