The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company
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CITY:________________________________________  STATE/PROVINCE_____________

ZIP/POSTAL CODE____________________    COUNTRY___________________________

Description: Soft six paneled hat in 100% washed cotton twill with distinctive bill piping. Adjustable strap, one size fits all. Navy only. The design is machine embroidered onto the cap.

Quantity ___ X $15.00 = ______
Description: 100% cotton canvas with contrasting navy trim, 181/2" x 111/2" x 51/2" with 28" handles. The design is screen printed onto the bag.
Quantity ___ X $20.00 = ______

Total Quantity _______ = Total Amount $________ (Shipping and handling are included)


Check enclosed.  Please make check payable to National Catholic Reporter.                            

Credit Card  (Check one type of card.)

         VISA       MASTERCARD

               Account #  |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| 
               Expiration Date
:    Month |__|__|  Year |__|__|__|__|

               Signature (required)___________________________________________

               Phone (optional)______________________________________________

               E-mail (optional)______________________________________________

Please return this form to:

National Catholic Reporter
Attn: Cap/Tote
115 E. Armour Blvd.
Kansas City, MO   64111